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Voyages: Scientific Circumnavigations 1679 to 1859
William Dampier: 1679-1707
This map clearly identifies the Galapagos Islands; Dampier notes that they were named by the Spanish after the tortoises there.

"I do believe there is no place in the world, that is so plentifully stored with these animals ... I never did see any but at this place, that will weigh above 30 pound weight."

He also notes that:
"there are great plenty of Turtledoves so tame, that a man may kill five or six dozen in a forenoon with a stick."

Darwin would take an even greater interest in the place-specific aspects of these tortoises, and also noted the tameness of the birds in his journal.

The pirate's wayward route took him from the Atlantic coast of Middle America along the northern coast of South America, and north to the coast of Virginia; Dampier eventually made his way south around the continent of South America, north to the Galapagos Islands and back to Middle America, on its Pacific coast.


Map of Middle America

from A New Voyage Round the World: London:
Printed for James Knapton, 1697.

Dampier: Page 3 of 13. The first voyage.
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